Parenting Help from Dr. Meg Meeker

Let’s face it.  I don’t like anyone giving me parenting advice!  However, we can all use a little help these days from someone who has tons of experience with kids.  I recently read 2 books on parenting that have really impacted the way I think about how I interact with my boys.

Dr. Meg Meeker’s books, “Boys Should Be Boys” and “Strong Father, Strong Daughters” really opened my eyes and taught me a lot about my boys and a lot about myself.  The Strong Fathers book taught me a lot about my wife!

I’ve recommended these books to all of my friends so I thought I’d practice my “book reviewer” skills and share my thoughts with you.  If you buy or checkout either of these books from the library, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Boys Should Be Boys
Meg Meeker, M.D.I don’t think I can recommend this book highly enough.  Any parent of boys or anyone who would like to know more about how boys are made should definitely read this book.  I not only learned a ton of stuff about my boys, I also learned a lot about myself and why I do some of the things I do (men are still boys, you know!).  I will warn you, however, that this is not an easy book to read!  It revealed a lot of my flaws as a parent, and revealed a lot my insecurities as a man, but it also gave me encouragement that I’m at least doing a few things right!  I love my boys and want them to grow up to strong, brave, passionate, loving men and fathers.  If you want that for your boys, read this book!
Boys Should Be Boys - Meg Meeker, M.D.
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Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
Meg Meeker, M.D.I only have boys so I have no experience raising daughters.  However, I’m married to a daughter and have many friends with daughters.  I am constantly amazed (read: disappointed) at the way some men treat their daughters or wives and then wonder why they have problems at home.  Conversely, I know many men who are doing a great job at being the man they want their daughters to marry.  I first learned about Dr. Meeker and this book when I heard her on Dave Ramsey’s radio show.  Dave talked about how this book impacted him as he raised his daughters.  After listening to her talk about how important the role a dad plays in the life of his daughter, I knew I had to read to this book!  If you are a dad with a daughter, this is a MUST READ!  For everyone else out there, man or woman, it’s still a must read!
Strong Father, Strong Daughters - Meg Meeker, M.D.
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4 thoughts on “Parenting Help from Dr. Meg Meeker

  1. Joel Ricker

    Bruce, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have 2 boys and 1 girl and have read both books. I tell everyone I know to read them to. Thanks for your review and the other posts, I enjoy reading what you have to say

  2. Bruce Van Horn

    Joel, thanks for your comment and for following my blog! If you haven’t yet, follow me on twitter or subscribe by email and I’ll let you know each time I post something.

    Glad you like the books!

  3. Joe Wickman

    Bruce, thanks for posting this just now. I’ve got 4 girls, and for years I’ve been telling myself that I’ve got to read that book.
    It’s time to get a copy and make it happen.

    1. Bruce Post author

      Joe, yes, you definitely need to read the book. 4 daughters. Wow, what a blessing! This book will give you some great insight into the way they think and how you really connect with them!

      Thanks for the note!

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