Life Plan: Step 4 – Rate Your Wheel of Life

This is the 4th installment of my Life Plan series. To start at the 1st installment, Click Here

Step 4 in creating your Life Plan is to honestly evaluate where you are now in comparison to your ideal wish for each spoke in the Wheel of Life. Once you know where you are, you can take specific action to move one step closer to the life of your dreams!

Life Plan: Step 4 – Rate Your Wheel of Life

“Once you know where you are, it’s easier to get to where you want to be!”

The last section of Step 3, had you write out your perfect situation, your dream condition, for each of the seven areas of life on the Wheel of Life. If you haven’t done that yet, you need to finish that process before you can move on to Step 4. With a desired destination, you are on a journey. Without one, you are just wandering.

wheeloflifePick A Number:

For each spoke in the Wheel of Life, rate your current situation on a scale from 1 to 10. A 10 is what you described as your perfect, or ideal, situation for each area (See Step 3). If you pick 10, your current reality for that area is exactly what you wrote in Step 3. If you pick 1, you are just beginning on your journey toward your desired goal.

Relax and be completely honest with yourself.

Whatever number you pick is a good number. It’s the number that is right for you at this point in your life.

Do not judge it as “bad” if it is a low number. It is not “bad,” it is just where you are—which is good!

Why So High?

Using the Solutions Focus approach, for each spoke in the wheel, ask yourself “Why so high?”

If, for example, your current reality is a 5, ask yourself “Why did I pick 5? Why is my situation not a 4 or a 3?” Write down the answers to this question for each spoke. The answers will show you that you’ve already made progress; you already have resources and a foundation upon which to build; momentum to use to keep moving forward.

Never focus on why you are not farther along.

Focus on your successes, your victories for each area up to this movement in time.

“Why so high?” is a powerful question!

Just 1 Step at a Time!

Now that you know your current number for each area of life, and you know why you are as high on the scale as you are, ask this question: “What would need to happen to move just 1 point higher?”

If you rated a spoke at 3, what would a 4 look like for that spoke? What does a 4 have that a 3 does not?

Do not worry about how to get to 5 yet! One step at a time!

Write out, for each spoke in the Wheel of Life, what you need to do to move up by 1 point.

When you are ready, go on to Step 5.

If you’d like to listen to me talk about this step, it’s on the Life Is A Marathon podcast

Much love,

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1 thought on “Life Plan: Step 4 – Rate Your Wheel of Life

  1. Allañ Larrey

    Life is really a marathon, i’m encouraged. I’ve had motivation to start a life that is most fulfilling but i’ve never seen a method so practical as this one.

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